As far back as I can recall, music has been an integral part of my life, alongside art and philosophy. Playing the piano has always been a means for me to reflect on what I have witnessed and experienced throughout my life.
Born in a small town near the Polish border with a German-Cuban background, raised in Thuringia amidst the rich Bach tradition, and having lived for several years in southern Germany, I have had ample opportunities to contemplate culture, identity, and plurality. These themes also shape my approach to music and the piano.
Since then, I have composed works for chamber music, orchestra, organ, and piano. Both improvising at the piano and capturing my musical thoughts have always felt more natural to me than interpreting pre-existing literature. Nonetheless, my enduring interest in Bach, music theory, and the technical aspects of piano playing remains significant to me.
The focal point of my musical endeavors lies in composition and the exploration of the sonic possibilities of the piano. In this way, music serves as a continual exploration of inner states of mind, feelings, and thoughts for me.